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QuantumScalar i7 RAPTOR

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QuantumScalar i7 RAPTOR Products in MENA, UAE & Africa

The Quantum Scalar i7 RAPTOR is a specialized, high-performance tape library solution designed to cater to enterprises with advanced data storage, archiving, and backup needs. This model focuses on providing ultra-dense, scalable storage with enhanced performance and security features, making it ideal for organizations that need to manage and protect large volumes of data over long periods.

Key Features of Quantum Scalar i7 RAPTOR:

  1. Ultra-Dense Storage: The Scalar i7 RAPTOR is designed to maximize storage density, offering a higher slot-to-space ratio than traditional tape libraries. This allows enterprises to store more data in less physical space, making it an efficient solution for data centers with limited room.
  2. Enhanced Performance: Optimized for fast data transfer rates and concurrent operations, the i7 RAPTOR ensures that backup and retrieval processes are quicker, minimizing downtime and improving overall data management efficiency.
  3. Modular Scalability: Designed to scale easily as data requirements grow, the Scalar i7 RAPTOR can be expanded by adding additional modules without disrupting ongoing operations. This modularity helps businesses manage costs while planning for future growth.
  4. Advanced Data Security: Features built-in encryption, WORM (Write Once, Read Many) media, and secure remote management to protect data from unauthorized access and meet compliance requirements. The system’s security measures are tailored to ensure data integrity and privacy.
  5. Intelligent Management: Comes with Quantum’s iLayer™ software, which simplifies the management of the library through automated diagnostics, system monitoring, and performance optimization. The intuitive interface reduces the need for manual intervention and minimizes potential errors.

Head office

Office no. 3012, 30th Floor, Churchil Towers, Executive Tower Business Bay, Dubai , UAE, P.O Box 125822


Office no. 3012, 30th Floor, Churchil Towers, Executive Tower Business Bay, Dubai , UAE, P.O Box 125822

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