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Elastic Cloud Server ensures secure & efficient computing environment

An Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) is a basic computing unit that consists of vCPUs, memory, OS, and Elastic Volume Service (EVS) disks. After an ECS is created, you can use it on the cloud similarly to how you would use your local PC or physical server.

ECSs support self-service creation, modification, and operation. You can create an ECS by specifying its vCPUs, memory, OS, and login authentication. After creating an ECS, you can modify its specifications when necessary. ECS works with other services to provide a reliable, secure, efficient computing environment.

Below are some of the key functions of an elastic cloud server:

  1. Security Protection: Worry-free comprehensive security protection
  2. Reliable Data: Scalable and reliable high-throughput virtual block storage based on a distributed architecture
  3. Flexible, Easy-to-Use: Multi-choice management via management console, remote access, and APIs with full rights
  4. Rich Specifications: Multiple ECS types, specifications, and images
  5. Stable Network Access: Fast, stable, and secure dedicated network transmission channels
  6. Multi-Level Monitoring: Open platform for real-time resource monitoring, alarming, and notification

ECS supports automated scaling of computing resources based on changes in demand as well as predefined scaling policies. You can customize ECS specifications as needed, including vCPUs, memory, and bandwidth. You can combine ECS with other services to build a secure, agile, reliable, and efficient environment for your applications.

Datagram Technologies is one of the authorized Huawei partners in Dubai. You can find a host of network and enterprise solutions and products at Datagram. Their team of IT consultants are well- equipped to cater and guide you with current market tech products so you don’t have to break your head over complex IT details.

They are Huawei distributors and Partners in Dubai and can support you with the full range of Huawei products like network switches, cloud, security solution, etc. Huawei is said to have one of the best networking solutions for both SME’s and large corporations. Get in touch with Datagram to digitally transform your business.